A Classroom is a group of unique learners. The learners needn’t always be in the learning curve, there are places where they can be good teachers as well. If you think a “Healthy classroom” is

  • A classroom which is well disciplined
  • A classroom with studious and sincere learners
  • A classroom where always a teacher is happy to be in.

Then I would say it is a complete “NO”. You want to know why? Here why it is

When we call a classroom to have unique learners it is not that learners are different only in their learning skills, the difference will also be in Behavior, Physical stature, Emotions etc. So here is where the first myth about a healthy classroom is broken. A teacher is the one who not only teaches her lessons regarding subjects but has a key role in molding the different learners to be an asset to the society.

Can this be achieved with the traditional one on one teaching?

No, here is where many teachers fail to understand a common problem. When you cannot convince your own child to understand what you say? And why you say? Do you think your class of students can! Definitely not! They need a proper reasoning and as teachers we are bound to give them those reasons. The qualities of a good teacher are Noble, Kind, Caring, Understanding and lot more. Many times we may not be able to express these qualities but why not do it when we can?

A Student is not expecting a Teacher to be a Preacher, he is expecting a Facilitator. The Bond between them is very fragile and special. It can very easily leave a positive impact or a negative scar. When you take your first step to understand and help your learners as a teacher, then you can be confident that your student will follow you. And remember a classroom can be healthy only when every student of that class has a soul bond with his/her teacher.

What can we do?

Let’s not pull them down for their weaknesses rather appreciate them for their strengths and we should identify the way in which their weakness can transform to strengths.

Let’s not blame the student for his behaviors rather pitch in to find out the reason behind that behavior and help in bringing the change.

Let’s not hold him back from his likes, give him the freedom to decide and support him to take his decision in the right way.




Saraswathy Rajkumar

Trainer (Alchemy Academy of Performing Arts)

3 liked
 2019-04-01 09:20:00