In theatre, Stage is the area where the performance takes place for the audience to view. But more than stage there is a crucial part of the theatre which mounts the production successfully but not visible to the audience. This area, not visible to the audience is the BACKSTAGE.  Generally this area is attached to the proscenium arch which includes many technical constructions as scenic design, costume design, music, make up room and properties. It also includes wings which help the actors to take an entry and exit. Backstage is a place where large properties and sets are stored. Backstage includes the space called Greenroom used by performers to prepare, relax before  and discuss about the performance. Before any production the actors prepare in advance in a space called Dressing room attached with backstage which contains costumes, makeup kit and a list of requirements for a performer. Fly system is there which helps the technician to quickly move the instruments like lights, set properties etc. There is another term called catwalk which is a part of backstage work which helps in mounting the lights and fixing the sound positions. Basically it is an elevated platform which helps the technician in many other ways. To make it more visible the production light has a great impact on it. To control the light there is a Dimmer room and its work is to power the theatrical light rig and lighting in the peripheral area. The backstage also has a rehearsal room which is helpful for the actors to rehearse and warm up before the show starts. More importantly, there is a crossover which has a path for the movement of the actor to move from one wing to another wing without seen by the audience.  Hence to stage a production backstage is highly essential and it is the backbone of a theatre production.

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 2017-12-15 05:30:00
 Pitambar Behera