It was 10'o clock in the night.Dark with no moon and stars. My parents went out for dinner.while  I was sleeping i woke up suddenly. I opened the window and saw a light in my neighbour's house thinking it as their dinner time I went back to sleep. 

Then I could smell smoke and I jumped out of my bed to look around my room. Nothing was there and I ran downstairs  to see the kitchen had nothing. I ran to my parents room to see nothing there too.

Then I ran to my neighbour's house. The house was on fire. I screamed Fire ! Fire! Nobody came. I called  the fire police and said 'please help me, my neighbour's house is on fire'.

Then I ran to my bathroom. I opened the tap and filled the bucket full of water. Then I splashed on my neighbour's house. I did it 25 times. I got very tired.I prayed to God. 'God, please help me. My neighbour's house is on fire'.

 I heard the sound of the fire engine. 6 firemen jumped out of the fire engine. They took the hose pipe and sprayed the water on the fire. Half of the house was burnt. I ran into my neighbour's house . saw a puppy and a kitten in a corner. I took them in my hands and went out. I saw a light. My neighbours were safe! Luckily they had gone for a movie.

A boy jumped out of the car and he said 'thank you uncle for saving my pets!' to the firemen. Then I went back to sleep.

The end.


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 2018-02-08 07:20:00
 Arya s vijay