Cinema Bandi Movie review

Cinema Bandi is a Telugu comedy drama film debut directed by Praveen. The movie released on May 14th 2021 on Netflix. It's cast includes a lot of newcomers. It is about how a struggling auto rickshaw driver's life take a rollicking turn when he stumbles upon an expensive camera and decides to make a film with his fellow villagers. This is a must watch for people who are interested in film making and direction. Cinemarography and editing were very good in this film. My personal favourite scene is where the rickshaw driver tells his friend to make a film to solve the problems of the villagers. It showcased the amount of detailing done by the director. Storyline was very interesting. Personally, this film inspired me on how to make a good film. I would give this movie a 4.5/5. It is a must watch for all ambitious youngsters.

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 2021-09-06 16:00:00
 Dikshaa Varadharajan