Dear All,

Humble Pranams and a Big and Loud Hello to all of you (Frequency 200 Hz),

Yes, you are right! This article is about Spirituality and Science.

Science is advancing at a lightning speed - Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Tsunami Predictions, Instant Messaging, Solar system voyages have all become part and parcel of our lives.

A few years back, when your parents were kids, who would have imagined that one day we would be living in such a world. Some people had predicted this advancement but they were ridiculed and their ideas were labelled as a fairytale story or a fiction!

Our spiritual scriptures are filled with rituals, shlokas & prayers written by sages and rishis for various occasions; however, the relevance of it is constantly questioned to the extent that it is subjected to mockery even by educated people in today’s world.

If you connect the dots between spirituality and science, the answers will be evident if only we seek to know the truth and purpose behind rituals and prayers and we will be alarmed to notice that each ritual has a scientific reasoning to it.

The main power of prayers is that it creates a positive vibration in the body leading to a lot of physical benefits which in turn improves our immunity to diseases, helps in better concentration levels and overall well-being.

This leads us to the question - Whether the Sages and Scientists have supernatural powers?

No, they are normal human beings, who are willing to go beyond the ordinary process of thinking. They dig deep into the reserves of human capabilities thereby giving a shape to their conviction. Whether it is a sage going into a penance or a scientist shutting himself inside his laboratory, the purpose is that they are both determined to stay completely focused on their journey to transform the unimaginable into a reality.

Spirituality and Science, thus teaches us some important characteristics of such extraordinary people. The characteristics and qualities that we can imbibe from them are 

  • To be a visionary and dream beyond the current facts to change the society for better 
  • Give wings to your creativity and let it soar high.
  • Stay inspired despite failures or criticism; let’s imagine ourselves to be in the shoes of Einstein or Galileo and think about the hardships that they must have faced
  • Be open-minded to embrace new ideas and opinions from others.

Let us remind ourselves again that nothing is beyond the realms of possibilities and nothing supernatural is required to achieve greatness. All it requires is to go beyond the boundaries set by the ordinary.

As Robert Frost says in Road not Taken –

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – 

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

Get into the space where no one has gone before, think big and you will be the next Sundar Pichai or may be bigger!


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 2020-09-11 16:11:00