Once upon a time, in a small village there was a bridge.The construction of this bridge was incomplete and it was very risky to use it. Whoever tried to cross the bridge fell down and got seriously injured. From outside the bridge looked complete but when people used it, it collapsed as it could not take the weight, thereby leading to an accident. 

Let me take you on a flashback to tell you the story of the bridge and how it got solved. Long ago, this bridge was constructed by an old man. He was one of the most popular person in that village because he used to solve all the problems of the people in the village. There was a huge river that flowed between the village and the city. All the people who had to sell or buy things had to go to the other side of the river, but it was impossible. Everyone tried to build boats to cross the river, but the river was a very fast flowing one and none of the boats were able to take the heavy current of the river. The people became very frantic and approached the old man to solve their problem. The old man was in deep thought, desparately wanting to find a solution for this. He thought of building a bridge as he had the skill and experience of making furniture and was fond of carpentry work too. He stood boldly and said " From now on the people won't have to suffer because of this river. I will build a bridge here." He took all the equipments he needed and was ready to accomplish his task. He worked for days and nights and he had almost finshed his construction. On the last day of the work, when he had to tighten all the nuts and bolts to secure the bridge well, he stepped out of his house very confident to complete this herculean feat. But unfortunately he carelessly stamped on a weak piece of the bridge and slipped and fell into the river. He drowned and died. 

After hearing this the old man's son was very upset and was not able to accept his father's death. He locked himself inside his house and never came out. One fine day he had to go to the city so he decided to go across the dangerous bridge. He didn't realize that the bridge was unfinished untill he started crossing it. He just stepped on the bridge and it started shaking and he fell into the river crying out "HELP" "HELP". "OH! This is dangerous. I think father was not able to complete it. Why did I come through this?" he asked himself. He continued to shout out for help. On hearing his shriek a man came and rescued him. "Are you all right?" he asked. "Fine, he replied anxiously." This was your father's work but  he coudn"t complete it. "What is the problem? Why does it happen like that when crossing it? the son asked doubtfully." It is because it is incomplete", replied the village man. You have to complete this and end this problem. "But how can I complete it? if I go across it I will die as there is work that has to be completed on the other side too." The old man whispered a plan to him; to cross the river by means of a long pole and to complete the work. He did so and brought an end to this problem. He completed his father's incomplete work and felt so proud on accomplishing the feat. Now, the people could finally cross the bridge safely.

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 2022-09-01 16:00:00