Children today are smarter, sharper and have a wide range of interests and hobbies which is accentuated with every generation. So, parents need to cater this by getting them involved with hobbies. Children are born with a natural and primal interest in everything. Depending on genetics and nature it varies.  Hobbies can keep them focused and busy. In fact, good hobbies have shown heightened academic acumen, and general knowledge level.

The first step is parents should understand their child’s interest by regular conversations instead of imposing their own unaccomplished interest on them.  Appreciating and respecting their interest will nurture their talents and creativity which will kindle it more.

There are a wide range of hobbies for children – reading, stamp collection, coin collection, music, dance, blocks, drawing, colouring, scrap book etc. parents can introduce the kids to any of the hobbies and also should not make them too engrossed in it. Children who do not get interested with anything can be handled by involving themselves into the hobbies along with the parents without force.

Children finding monotonous with book reading can be made to read the books with parents which will decrease their boredom. Stamp collection and coin collection improves the general knowledge to know the world. Music and dance increase their creativity adding confidence to their personality. It smoothen the mind of the child making them less aggressive and teach to be focussed and determined. Creative games like Lego and Mechanics kindles the creativity and fascination of a child. Drawing and colouring help to develop concentration and general associative skills. The inter personal relationships between parents and children can be improved by making the children spend time in hobbies with each other and also in the company of other children.  Further Hobbies like photography, cooking, candle making, sewing, gardening, etc can be done as family activities.

Hence the high energy levels of children can be channelized by involving them in constructive hobbies there by decreasing any destructions. So parents should focus on the hobbies of children as they grow up thereby their time and energy are not wasted.

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 2017-11-14 06:15:00
 Mahalakshmi Balaji