Real life lessons

It is indeed heartening that many children today have indepth knowledge on a variety of topics from astrophysics to agriculture. Parents take immense pride when their wards are well-read and can talk about topics which are novel to them. No doubt, all these factual knowledge will have an impact on their cognitive development helping them make wise career decisions. Apart from acdemics and other knowledge other should be acquired by them in which parents play a vital role. All these will shape up their original personality and vital character building to improve their quality of life. We are living in a period where children should become more aware of  their contributions to the society rather than making billions.All this will enrich their quality of life other than just making money as their goals. 

Kindness not sympathy

 It is relevant to teach the word kindness  rather the word sympathy on anyone. Parents can teach them the difference between the two of which kindness will give them humble heartedness .They should contribute much on this  to make the children treat any kind of child in the society with affection than feeling themselves from becoming over privileged which is not a healthy attitude.Parents should teach them to treat all their peers equally irrespective of their backgrounds. 

Share your knowledge

Parents should encourage their wards  from a very young age to share thier knowledge on anything with their friends whih is similar  to sharing habits of food, gifts etc. Sharing of knowledge will help them get exposed to various approaches in the world which becomes more imortant than materialistic  things.

Respect our natural resources

We are now living in a world where natural resources are turning scarce. Hence it is important to teach our kids to use them wisely at home and outside to conserve the natural resources like Electricity, water and other sources. Many schools  teach the importance of sustainability  of natural resources to their children. It is also very promising to see kids actively engage themselves in setting up home gardens, planting trees and cleaning up their premises. Parents should encourage their wards to  takepart  in such activities.

Don’t bathe them with luxury

 Parents should never bathe the children in wealth which can make them realise the value of money. Never pamper them uttering that they are brn with silver spoon as nobody is of that kind.Children should be taught to earn their rewards. Wealth in abundance can always be shared.Though its the choice of each parent regarding this view such attitudes will develop our own children to be isolated from their groups which becomes painful for the children in later stages. 

Catch them young

Many older kids today turn a deaf ear to advice.  So it is always better to endow them with the best life lessons from an early age. It is important for parents to understand that it is not the wealth that we actually leave behind for our kids, it is about how to lead an exemplary, moral and principled life. When a child grows up with the right values they will always be a boon both to the family and the society.

So parent along with providing a life of luxury must strive to pass on real life lessons to children and help them lead a worthy life in future.



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 2018-01-18 17:40:00