Many people have the misconception of understanding the disability as diversity and rights. Accessibility and Needs are the human rights for a disabled person; it’s not an offer or sympathy provision, its the government's and society’s duty to provide solution to them. Apart from this they also have the responsibility in creating an inclusive setting in all sectors like government and private buildings, hospitals, schools, colleges and classroom, software application, websites, public transport, etc.
Disability is not a negative metaphor but society thinks that it hurts them, words like ‘physically challenged’, ‘differently-abled’ are just like sugar-coated words, that doesn’t make any change because they don’t want to know about the disability. Society sees the word ‘disability’ as miserable, a sin word. Disability is their identity, calling it ‘differently-abled’ is not right way to look at it, it’s fallacy.
The society argues that we should not say “disabled people”, comes from an ableist attitude. The Ableist society thinks, "They'll suffer if they hear the word disability”, so they think a person who likes to identify himself as a differently-abled person is good. So according to them, "Disability” is negative and differently abled” is positive. This concept has been conceived by an albeist intellect, which cannot be explained but the problem is in the ableist society, not in disability person. A practice where disabled people internalize the discriminatory ideas and prejudices from our ableist culture and society. This may result feelings of inferiority, “being lesser” and feeling like ‘you are not entitled to certain things due to your disability”. The society should unlearn the negative perspective and the use of slur language that refers the disabilities. The Disability is nature or may be an accident; we have to accept that nature by celebrating the same word and naturalizing that to get change.

Most of the famous people in the world excelled in their profession with disabilities and contributed a lot to humanity. For example, Albert Einstein, F.D.Roosevelt, Steve jobs, Helen keller, Stephan hawking, etc. We know Helen Keller (1880-1968) was an American author, activist and lecturer in America. She was the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. She could speak in 5 languages and she had written fourteen classical works. She lost her ability to see and hear when she was 19 months old. She fought all her life and succeeded inspite of having learning disabilities. She learnt the language by touching and sensing her teacher Annie Sullivan’s lips and sound vibrations. This might be a inspiration for all, but it’s the greatest achievement ever in history. This proves a dedicated teacher can make incredible ideas to create new learning techniques for any disabilities. One of most iconic scientist in the world, Stephan hawking (1942-208), who was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS, is one of several types of motor neurone diseases, at the age 21. It gradually paralyzes patients, usually killing within about four years. On March 14th 2018, Hawking finally died of the disease that was supposed to have killed him more than 50 years earlier. Once he said that, "My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn't prevent you from doing well, and don't regret the things it interferes with. Don't be disabled in spirit, as well as physically." 

Thus the understanding the disability as diversity. People have a popular opinion on difficult learners in the classroom that disturbs other learners. They feel that it requires expensive models and they feel that the process cannot be successful, but they need to understand that education is not only for learning concepts, achieving in academics, but it also depends on how their behavior and manners change and how they developing and contributing to the society. Many people have stereotypes on disability, society needs to unlearn the stereotypes and spread awareness among all the fields to build a convenient environment for them. Disability is a pride and accepts the nature of diversity.

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 2023-01-12 16:00:00